Tuesday, October 28, 2008


We caused a car accident today. So it wasn't more than a fender bender and we weren't even in our car but 2 families sure were not starting their day as planned this morning. We were walking to school with some friends this morning. There were 3 adults, 4 kids and 1 baby in a stroller. We weren't an insignificant bunch crossing the road. But somehow the second person in a line of people waiting to turn right across the cross walk we were in missed seeing us and plowed into the first car in the line. We hadn't even gotten half way across the street when we heard the BANG so we were in no danger but it was still a little unsettling. Ironically we had just finished answering the question from the kids, "Why do we have to hold hands every time we cross the street?" This is why. One of the moms in our group was nice enough to leave her name and phone number with one of the crashers just in case. Other than a few rattled nerves and bent bumpers everthing will be alright. Thank you guardian angels for watching over us this morning.

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