Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sea World

It didn't take too long to cash in our family gift of a trip to Sea World. We piled all 6 of us and our stuff in our new "micro" van and we were off to San Diego.
A new addition to the park (at least since we were last there) was the Journey to Atlantis ride. It was a cool combination of water ride and roller coaster. Fortunately sitting in the back you don't get very wet. Claire got a little bolder our second day at the park and asked to sit in front. I think she regretted the decision because when we asked her the third day if she wanted to go again she said, "NO! You get too cold!"

Emily got to spend time with her favorites, the penguins.
Mommy's favorite girls with her favorite animal.
Claire had to keep warm while she waited for the nighttime holiday Shamu show. There was a lot of whipped cream to get through before she could even start the hot chocolate.
Claire got to pet her favorites, the sting rays. She even got to feed them slimy fish parts.
This ride was more Grandma's speed.
There was a cool climbing structure in the middle of the park.
Mommy got in on the fun too!
Waiting for the Sesame Street 4-D show to begin. This was a high light for Grandma.

From the underwater viewing area:

While we were in San Diego Mommy was able to visit with my cousins who I haven't seen together in years! The girls got to meet their 2nd cousin. He was very much a "ladies" man and had to have a hand on one of them at all times.

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