Sunday, September 12, 2010

Yucaipa Camping

We took a quick camping trip this weekend too. We made the reservations long ago before we knew when soccer would start. It was worth it though to get a nice break, let the kids play and have some grown up conversation (and beverages) around the campfire.
The kids played with water balloons and tried not to get soaked. Some were more successful than others. They also had fun rolling down the hill in the background. After dark they played with flashlights and ran all over the grassy areas. When we wanted them to stay closer to the campsite they played in the tent. Whatever that game was it was loud and funny.
Of course there were s'mores!
Water balloons are really only fun if someone is getting wet. We took this picture of John soaking himself showing off his mad heading skills. When we saw how the light picked up the water everyone wanted a try.
The girls aren't as good at heading (yet) so Daddy needed to help a bit. It was a warm, dry day in Yucaipa so no one stayed wet for long.

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