Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Garden Park Everglades

BeforeSplish Splash
How can you say no to this face?
So it's been raining here for 6 days straight now. Not just a little rain here and there but our yearly total of rain in less than a week. I'm so over living in Seattle. Oh wait that's NOT where we moved. Anyway there was a small respite this morning. It was brief and we even saw some blue patches in the sky. We were thrilled to be able to be outside. The girls wanted to go to the park next door and run around for a bit. They knew the blacktop would probably be the only surface available to them so they brought some balls to throw around. We ran for a bit but the lure of the giant puddles in the field was just irresistable. So we went home, put on grubby clothes, picked up Daddy and went back. Worried about pneumonia and neighbors calling the cops for child endangerment, we couldn't stay long but man did they have fun sliding in the puddles, kicking water at each other and giving Mommy big hugs while dripping wet. Emily claimed it is a new tradition any time we get rain like this. Fortunately by the time we get another series of storms like this she'll be taking her own kids.

After getting home, taking a warm shower and eating a hot lunch everyone was cozied up watching a little TV. When Daddy was done eating he was ready to head to the grocery store to buy what we need for our Christmas Eve celebration. Claire characteristically did not want to go. We told her that it was fine to stay home but the TV was turning off either way. Daddy said he didn't want to get home and find Claire staring at the TV. He did his best impression of a slack jawed, mesmerized, lost to the real world TV viewer. Claire took one look at him and said, "I don't do that! I keep my mouth shut!" That girl.

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