Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Since the girls were on Spring Break two different weeks this year, we couldn't really make plans to go out of town. So we compromised and went to Legoland on one of Claire's days off from school. It was a little rough getting into the park since we arrived at the same time as the hordes but once everyone scattered around the park, it was remarkably pleasant. The girls are big enough to go on rides without a grown up now:
We met the girls' friend, J and her mom at the park.
I love the Coastal Cruise ride and all its famous landmarks in Legos.
The funniest part of the day we naturally didn't take any pictures of. Claire and J got on the Skipper School ride alone. The ride requires actual boating skill as you navigate a short river in a little battery powered boat. As soon as they left the landing, J's mom and I agreed that letting the girls go alone on this ride was about the dumbest parenting move we had ever made. We watched in hysterics as every boat passed them then in horror as their boat turned the wrong direction and they were headed back to the starting point. Other boaters were kind enough to push their boat along and occasionally get them going the right direction again. After about 15 minutes (the ride should take 5 minutes or less) they were past the 2nd bend in the river (of about 8) and we were done watching the struggle. Fortunately they never got too frustrated and as they were pushed into the landing by the poor employee who had to don waders to save them, they were laughing and asking to go again!

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