Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pre-School Amtrak Trip

Claire's school has an annual train trip to San Juan Capistrano. Since we are such a large group (over 120 this year!) we get a car all to ourselves. Even though there was plenty of space, the kids had far more fun playing sardines in the seats:

We had a wonderful program at Zoomars where the kids got to try different things from the "olden days". Claire's grandmas were talked into being helpers at 2 of the stations. Grandma Wendy helped the kids grind grain into flour:
Grandma Holly had the next station where the flour had been made into dough and needed to be rolled flat then cut into biscuits:

Emily's favorite station was panning for gold:

Miss Lindsay made sure the kids didn't slack at the washtubs:

Zoomars is mostly known for its petting zoo. Claire and her friends loved holding and feeding the guinea pigs and rabbits:

It was a wonderful day making memories with our pre-school friends and families. We were all pretty tired on the way home but very happy.

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