Sunday, June 27, 2010


The girls brought home so many papers and things the last few days of school. Their rooms look like a bomb filled with papers went off. Today was Operation Clean Up. As usual Emily was all in favor of this plan while Claire had other ideas. Since it was going to be a one on one kind of job I started with Emily. She and I got on a roll. We went through the papers on the floor, the boxes in her closet, her night stand and her desk. We took out several trash cans full of junk and filled the recycle box twice. I was very proud of her willingness to part with things. Her room looks habitable again. Claire lucked out and we ran out of time to get to her room today. She was not upset by this in the least. I'm looking forward to tackling her room just as much I'm just not looking forward to the resistance she will put up in doing it. Sometimes the differences between the girls is more obvious than others.

I've switched to working nights at Disneyland for the summer. So far I've been assigned to the Annual Passport Processing centers exclusively. The last few nights I've been on the California Adventure side. I've really been enjoying it. The job itself has been pretty boring. Not too many guests at this time in the year especially at night. But I've liked getting to know the people I work with better. The pass centers are pretty tight spacewise so it's pretty easy for us to sit and chat to pass the time. On breaks we get to hear the music from Glow Fest. It sounds like we are working at a dance club! The whole atmosphere is so fun at night.

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