Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Super Readers!

One of our proudest accomplishments to date with the girls could easily be the fact that they are both good readers. Not only are they good at it they really enjoy it. Awards came home last week for AR points. Emily got invited to dinner at Claim Jumper for the kids who read over 1,000,000 words. She had actually read over 2 million! She also got invited to a pizza party for kids who earned over 100 AR points. Both girls got to have muffins with the principal for earning over 50 points and they got to participate in "Bend the Rules" Day. Fun times! But they weren't done there. Today they each came home with gift cards to Barnes and Noble. Emily was the top reader in her class in both points and books. Claire got a medal for reading the 2nd highest number of books in her class. The gift card came for having the most AR points out of ALL the first graders! She was the only first grader to get invited to the muffin breakfast. They never fail to amaze me. Just when I think I couldn't be any prouder of them they do something even more wonderful.

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